Monday, September 17, 2012

Hey Check out this sweet video of stevie

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Monday, May 23, 2011


 Canada Cup # 1
 Course walk with the Dunbar/Devinci/Elka Team
With team mates Andrew Mitchell and Dean Tennant

So as we headed to the course through the village we could see that the snow was still lying around. As we got closer to the infamous rock garden we could see some sort of animal moving about, but we were also missing Dean. Wait a minute... thats Dean so pumped on smashing boulders.
Everyone has always enjoyed racing tremblant except that you have to go through a river that everyone hates!  So Stupid.
 Not this year!
This course hands down has to have some of the knarliest sections on any track we raced imagine trying to race across this rock...
Overall the track has had some great improvements and we are looking forward to practice tomorrow!
Except for this jump which you have to turn off the race line to hit but was just freshly built for the race.

Team Dunbar

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dan like bikes, water bottles, and dogs

Getting out on the trails when the snow will let me!!!

If there is one thing that can be said for 2011 thus far, that is busy. Both professionally and personally my life is in over drive. Not the reckless out of control type, more the fast, I can't believe another week has passed variety.

Not that I haven't been getting out on the bike though!

Back on January 14th, there was an American Invasion as a few of our waywerd neighbours made the trek across the boarder to ride the hallowed trails of the north shore. It was a great day of laps of Bobsled and Ladies Only.

I have continued, much to the disgrace of a few to keep up on the road bike. I have a few good laps, one out to UBC and back, one out and around Stanley Park, which allow me to get in a 45 minute pedal out my front door. I also have one along the low road to Horseshoe Bay which I have done a few times, and continually try and get Dan Barham to do, but he always seems to be washing his hair?!??? There is another route as well, that combines UBC and the Park. Really getting to enjoy it, and looking forward to the Grand Fondo.

Other than that there have been a few snowshoe hikes at night on the local hills. It is a great way to get some exercise and to tire out the dog.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Deaner dropping the goods

Published: 2011-01-20
Author: DeanT

Hey guys, check out these screenshots from an upcoming video with Aaron Larocque. Keep an eye out for it being released on and other MTB sites soon.
If you haven't seen my previous 'Winter Training' video with Larocque, click the link below...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dan Making Dinosaur Faces:

Little bit of Fromme Action!

Published: 2011-01-11
Author: Dan Gronross

So a good friend of mine is turning 45 this week so we headed out for a Fromme lap (we ended up doing three) over the weekend. Still dealing with the infection I was going to try and take it "easy". But as we all know, once we get out there, all bets are off and the riding takes over.

Gotta love getting out in the brisk air with fat snow flakes falling all around. The picture above is at the upper gate on Fromme as we waited for Eamonn to meet us. Trevor (right) is not the birthday guy, but he is just as old/warnout/washed up.
Happy Birthday Cam!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An now ......THE STEP UP

Published: 2010-12-29
Author: Dobie

After numerous trips to the infamous Santa Cruz step-up, Graham, Ja'mie, Ben and I have kept our eyes pealed for zones to build a trick step-up in our backyard.

After some serious hours of landscaping and carpentry, this is the end product...

The lip

Dobie manicuring the lip

The take off and back-side of landing

The one problem with our zone was that the run in tended to flood in the wet season. We installed a 40 ft boardwalk to lead us into the lip.

The landing

The landing

Oh Baby!

Right as we finished building the lip, winter came. We got one solid session in and decided that it needed a few modifications and time to let the lip set. We are going to wait till the spring to fix up the run in and then she should be prime.

Do you recognize this from a recent Pinkbike video? Check out Jordie Lunn and his hombre's have a go at it in non-ideal conditions.



-Photo Cred: K. Price

Dan likes wagons, he also loves horses. So its very fitting that this blog be titled: "The Horseless Wagon"

Published: 2011-01-02
Author: Dan Gronross

After the first time I rode a 29er back in Alaska many moons ago I have been trying get my hands on one to have a rip on the trails of the Pacific Northwest. Love em or hate em, 29er's are have earned their place in the mountain bike world and a place in my heart.

Seb Kemp, worldly traveling mountain bike dirt bag lent his quiver of bikes to friends while he globe trotted for the winter months. I guess the thought of not being able to ride in his quasi-hometown of Whistler was enough to make him head over to the sunny locations in Europe for the cold months.

Seb's Santa Cruz Tallboy 29er was left to Todd Hellinga, but it is winter here and Todd seldom rides when the snow is flying on the mountains. So it landed on my lap.

The Tallboy has seen the Shore, well a few laps of Fromme, and as of today a lap of the frozen tundra of Half Nelson, followed up with a nice helping of "Your Mom" in Squamish with Miranda Miller.

Hate me if you will, I feel a ground swell of love for the 29er. But more on that later.

